Yellowcard - The Underdog EP
Despite the disappointment of this forgettable EP, you can expect the underdogs of Yellowcard to shift units with their major-label debut on Capitol.
Yellowcard have always been the underdogs. Their brilliant concept of pop-punk with a violin is both a good thing and a curse. Kids who are sick of the same repetitive regurgitation of Blink-182 flock to this band, while narrow-minded traditionalists shun the idea of something new being injected into the music. Nobody expects much from them live, but they literally bring down the house. Unfortunately, this EP is not as powerful as their live performance or their full-length One For the Kids.
The title track "Underdog" is a credible effort, but lyrically juvenile. There have simply been too many songs written by twenty-something’s reminiscing about high school for any listener to actually enjoy that subject matter anymore. Luckily, the second track, "Avondale," makes you forget about the preceding high-school anthem. Lyrically dark and melodic, this track is the best song the guys of Yellowcard have created. "Powder," a serious song about drug addiction, is similar in its dark content but fails to reach the high point of "Avondale." Third track, "The Finish Line," is formulaic Yellowcard while "Rocket" closes the EP on a low point with incredibly lame lyrics like "I slip another smile in your pocket/ My heart is racing to you like a rocket." Despite the disappointment of this forgettable EP, you can expect the underdogs of Yellowcard to shift units with their major-label debut on Capitol.
(Fueled By Ramen)