In what could be one of the more fascinating science fiction cinematic treks of 2014, Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt star in the dystopia-fueled Edge of Tomorrow. The film tells the story of Lt. Col. Bill Cage (Cruise) and Special Forces soldier Rita Vrataski (Blunt) who join forces to fight a hostile alien race known as Mimics, with Cage continually returning to a fatal battle through a time loop.
The film is based on the Japanese novel All You Need Is Kill with a screenplay written in part by Transformers/Star Trek scribes Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. Doug Liman, who helmed box office successes such as The Bourne Identity and Mr. & Mrs. Smith, directs.
It would easily be one of the most engaging and thought provoking films of next year, giving audiences all the necessary CG-laced action with an added helping of a cerebral workout. Or it could end up being Groundhog Day with guns. And explosions.
Edge of Tomorrow opens June 6th, 2014.